Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Now that you know where you are going, what is next? You now know what you should be living for. You can see vividly the life you desire to live. So what is your next step? How do you bring your desire to reality? What do you do next? Where do you go next? What time do you do what? The questions will continue to come as long as the vision is clear.
Do you know what I will suggest you do?
Look for money? No.  
Start working on your desire immediately? No. 
Ask for assistance from people? No.
Float a company or start an organization? No.
Are you still guessing? Okay, you have given up. This is what I will advise you to do – sit! Sit with a pen and a blank paper in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. And plan!
A lot of mistakes would not have been made. A lot of regrets could have been avoided. A lot of waste of resources could have been saved if proper planning has been done. But many see it as a waste of time to plan. If they plan at all, they give it so little thought and time that the planning is as good as none.
There was once a king who desires to build a house of worship for his God. He perceived that he is not the best person to build it and so determine to have his son build it. He made a design of the house. He got a suitable land. And made an estimate of all the materials needed. He purchased and stored all these materials in sizes, quantity and finest quality. When his son came to the scene all he had to do was to supervise the building. For many generations in that kingdom that house was a point of reference for the entire citizen in extravagance and workmanship. This is the result of planning!
The king had time to plan since he was not going to do the building himself and he did not want to weigh down his son with the whole project. So he concentrated on planning and did a thorough job of it. He had time to think out all the details and nothing escapes his thought. He did the necessary research and made the right contacts. He had opportunity to weigh options and pick the best alternative. His job was to plan and he did it with all his might.
Though we do not have the luxury of time and singleness of participation like this king, it will help if we plan our success journey as seriously as the king did. Think of it, having a plan for your life. A road map that help in shaping your decisions and actions. It brings uniformity and coherence into your decisions and actions. You are taking decision and acting on different areas of your life but following the same road map that leads to one end – the ultimate goal of your life.
The life which is unexamined is not worth living –Socrates
Dare to examine your life now. Set goals to achieve by time. Set yearly goals. Set five years goals. Set ten years goals. Set goals for different areas of your life. Set goals for your personal development. Set goals for your career development. Set goals for your finances. Set goals for your social life. Determine what you want to achieve within a specific period and how you want to achieve it.
Take note of your starting point. Identify your gifts, talents and resources. Be conscious of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Plan around your strength and work out how to complement your weaknesses. Pencil down those who have similar purpose and vision as yours and determine how you will link up with them directly or indirectly for mentor-ship.
To plan your life is to walk through your life in your mind and write it down. It is seeing each step you will take in the future. It is seeing how you will take the steps, and where you will take the steps.
Planning your life is living your life in your mind. It helps you to anticipate possible challenges and their solution even before you take the first step.
Planning propel you to action. Actions bring the vision to reality!

NUGGET ON PLANNING                                                                                                                          
1. Your purpose came from God. Your vision is received from God. Your strategy must be inspired by God. “With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow.” – Proverbs 3:5, 6. CEV                                                                   
2. Your purpose must be cast in stone. Your vision must be upgraded once it becomes a reality. Your plan must be flexible, ready for revision as occasion demands. Review your plan periodically, as the future is subject to changes not envisaged. “Don’t brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises.” – Proverbs 27:1. CEV                                                                                                                                 
3. Your planning must be based on researched facts and information. Read relevant books and listen to counsel from experienced mentors who understand planning and your area of interest. “Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”                                        – Proverbs 11: 14. NRSV                                                                                                                            
4. Your plan is useless without action. Your actions will not produce the desired result without the favor of God. You must therefore back every action with prayer seeking God’s favor and help. “We humans make plans, but the LORD has the final word. We may think we know what is right, but the LORD is the judge of our motive. Share your plans with the LORD and you will succeed.”                                           – Proverbs 16:1-3. CEV